Are You Missing These Hidden Signs of Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay is one of the most common dental issues we see. While brushing twice a day and regular dental checkups help minimize the risk, many early signs of tooth...
One of the best reasons to pursue orthodontic treatment is to achieve straight teeth, but a more attractive smile isn’t the only reason. Correcting crooked teeth also improves your oral health because having overcrowded or crooked teeth can make taking great care of your teeth a challenge.
Investing in Invisalign or other orthodontic treatments is a true investment in yourself. Read on to learn six reasons why patients with straight teeth have better dental checkups than those with alignment issues.
There are several health benefits to having straight teeth that have nothing to do with the attractiveness of your smile. Crooked teeth can directly impact other potential problems you could be facing with your dental health, including weakened tooth enamel, low self-esteem, and poor dental checkups.
Straightening your teeth comes with many added benefits, with some of these being some of our favorites.
Crowded teeth that are overlapping or are misaligned in general are much more difficult to clean properly. Crooked teeth can make even simple daily tasks like brushing and flossing challenging. Being unable to reach all the surfaces of your teeth successfully leads to plaque buildup and eventually tooth decay in inconvenient places.
Straightening your teeth also gives your gums a health boost. This is achieved by allowing your gum tissue to fit more securely around each tooth. When your teeth are too widely spaced apart or overcrowded, the gum tissue surrounding them quickly becomes inflamed and can even lead to periodontal disease.
The overall health and well-being of everything in your mouth is directly linked to the rest of your body. When your teeth are improperly aligned, this places excessive stress on the gums and the bone that supports the structure of your teeth. Misaligned teeth also cause jaw pain which leads to chronic headaches and neck pain in some.
When your teeth are not perfectly aligned, it can cause the teeth to rub against each other in a harmful way when you bite down or chew. Over time, this leads to abnormal wearing of the surfaces of your teeth.
Tooth decay and gum disease associated with crooked teeth can lead to mouth sores, bleeding gums, and possible tooth loss if the decay is unable to be effectively treated or not caught in time by your dentist.
Being confident in your smile is undoubtedly linked to your self-esteem and how you view yourself. When you’re confident in your smile, that confidence trickles down to others around you and can truly be life-changing.
Only you can decide if straightening your grin is something you want to pursue. If the thought of adult braces or fear of the unknown has kept you from straightening your teeth in the past, Hoffman Dental Care is here to help.
Your teeth will benefit from Invisalign treatment if you:
If you’ve always been hesitant about pursuing orthodontic treatment in the past because of the appearance of metal braces, it’s time to put your fear aside. We can help you achieve a straighter, healthier smile by creating a custom Invisalign treatment plan that works for you and your lifestyle.
Invisalign is the best alternative straightening method that allows both teens and adults to realign their teeth without living with the daily presence of traditional metal brackets and wires.
Alternative orthodontics like Invisalign allows patients like you to achieve a perfect smile without the hassle and fuss of mental braces. Since Invisalign aligner trays are removable, treatment success depends upon patient actions. We’re there to help guide the trays and your teeth into proper alignment every six weeks, but having success with Invisalign is up to you, and it’s critical for you to follow through with:
If you’re ready to hear the phrase “cavity-free” after your dental cleanings and exams, contact Hoffman Dental Care today to schedule an Invisalign consultation.