Why Do We Have Saliva
Now that we mentioned saliva, your mouth may be watering. Or you might go the other way and notice that your mouth is dry instead. Even though saliva is part...
Sealants are an excellent way to provide extra protection to a child’s teeth until they can master daily oral hygiene habits. Typically applied to the chewing surfaces of premolars and molars that are most susceptible to decay, dental sealants provide a barrier between the teeth and harmful bacteria.
Give your child’s teeth an extra layer of protection to ensure each tooth stays as healthy as possible with the help of sealants.
When cavity-causing bacteria that lives in everyone’s mouth comes into contact with left-behind food particles, the two combine and produce acids that can create microscopic holes in teeth. These holes are the beginning phase of cavities forming. Dental sealants work by creating a protective barrier over the surface of the tooth to keep those bits of food out and stop bacteria and acid from settling on your teeth.
While there is a small level of BPA found in the material that dental sealants are made from, the concentration of BPA is not enough to cause you or your children any harm. In fact, one can have more BPA exposure by merely touching a receipt, and the levels of BPA found in sealants are minuscule.
They Protect Against Cavities
Dental sealants help to protect a child’s teeth from cavities by creating a protective barrier over the top of the tooth with a “tooth-colored” plastic. This coating makes it difficult for bacteria to remain on the surface of a tooth. Sealants provide a tooth with an additional layer of defense against bacteria attacking the enamel.
The Process Is Quick and Painless
The process of applying sealants is simple. The teeth are cleaned and prepared for the sealant material by using a mild solution that is similar in strength to lemon juice or vinegar. The cleaning process slightly roughens the surface of the tooth to help the sealant bond properly. Once the tooth is prepared, the acrylic sealant is applied to the tooth or teeth. The unique sealant material flows into the depressions and grooves on a tooth, filling them in completely. The material is then allowed to harden in a matter of minutes at which time the tooth becomes “sealed” and bacteria cannot reach the grooves or pits in the teeth.
They Are Long-Lasting
Applying sealants during childhood will help to protect the teeth throughout the most cavity-prone years. Sealants can last for many years if properly cared for, and they will last longer if you maintain good oral hygiene and avoid biting hard objects. During routine dental visits, your dentist will check the condition of the sealants and may recommend re-application or repair if necessary.
Sealants Will Save You Money
Having cavities repaired can cost almost four times as much as purchasing dental sealants. Many dental insurance plans also cover dental sealants as a preventative treatment option. Protecting the teeth from harmful bacteria will save you money on future fillings, and will also help to keep the teeth as healthy as possible.
Contrary to popular belief, dental sealants are not only beneficial for children. Sealants can be applied at any age. Both baby teeth and permanent teeth are riddled with small grooves on the surface of the tooth that can be covered with dental sealants.
Before dental sealants can be applied, it’s critical to ensure you or your children have no significant existing issues. Sealants can be used over areas of early decay to prevent further damage to your teeth, but they are not a treatment option for correcting severe tooth decay.
In addition, you should talk to your dentist about any allergies and follow the recommendations of your dentist prior to moving forward with sealants as you should with any treatment.
While sealants can do an excellent job in protecting your teeth, having them should not replace excellent healthy and cavity free. Are dental sealants right for you, or your child? Call Hoffman Dental Care today to learn more!