Emergency Prevention Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe This Summer

The best way to feel prepared is by being prepared and a statement has never been more true than when it comes to taking care of your family. So dust off those pool floaties and grab the sunscreen because this summer is going to be your families best summer yet with these top summer safety […]

5 Fun Ways to Improve Your Family’s Oral Health

Today’s kids have what seems like an unlimited amount of games and activities at their fingertips year-round fun. So it’s no surprise that mundane tasks like brushing their teeth aren’t exactly high on their list of things they enjoy doing. Make tooth time less of a battle between you and your kids with these fun […]

Home Whitening vs. In-Office Whitening: Which is Right for You

With all of the home whitening options out there, you’re probably wondering if there are any benefits to in-office teeth whitening performed by your dentist over what you can find at your local drugstore. With either option, you can achieve the same bright, white smile using either method. So what are the benefits of each […]

Can I Test for Sleep Apnea at Home?

At-home sleep apnea tests have been available since 2007 when the president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recognized the ability to have patients perform sleep tests from the comfort of their own bed. Doctors estimate that 18 million Americans have moderate to severe sleep apnea with 75% of them not even knowing it. […]

Do Crooked Teeth Cause Health Problems?

If you suffer from a less-than-straight smile, you may also be at a higher risk of developing other common dental issues such as tooth decay because properly cleaning your teeth can become difficult. If you continuously hear the words tooth decay, cavities, and gingivitis from your dentist, it may be time for you to consider […]

Considering Dentures? Don’t Miss This More Effective Option

If you’re missing teeth, and have been researching the different ways you can effectively restore your smile, dentures may be one of the options you’re looking into. If you’re worried about the negative impacts dentures can have on your teeth replacement, such as looking and feeling different than your natural teeth, we may have just […]

How to Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month

When it comes to dental health, it’s every day that counts – committing to oral hygiene one month out of the year isn’t going to make a big difference. But February is still a great reminder to prioritize our children’s healthy teeth and gums. Take this opportunity to instill some new, healthy habits, tweak your […]

Helping Your Dental Crown Last as Long as Possible

Dental crowns are extremely effective for patients who require tooth restoration, even when the tooth is severely damaged. These durable dental crowns blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, and can last you for many years to come with proper care. Read on to find out exactly how to best care for your new dental crown […]

Can I Straighten My Teeth without Braces?

Don’t want to deal with braces? You’re definitely not alone. To be totally honest, traditional orthodontics can leave a lot to be desired. You have to have metal brackets bonded to your teeth and wear wires connecting them for months. You experience soreness after every orthodontic appointment. You have to adapt your diet and avoid […]

What Can I Eat with Dentures?

If you’re new to dentures, everything probably feels a little strange. The new teeth in your mouth are a big change, and they’re going to take a bit of an adjustment period to feel natural. The good news? Once you make it past that period, you’re going to feel like yourself again. We’ve got the […]