Choosing dental restorations for the first time? Many first-time restorative patients are stumped by all the options facing them. But there are a few things to focus on that can help you get prepared – and make the best possible choice, for your smile and your needs. Many patients find that there’s one system that fits […]
Soothe Your Jaw Pain, Change Your Life
Have you been struggling with daily pain? There’s nothing that makes you feel less like yourself – and more irritable and uncomfortable. But the problem with pain is that it can be pretty persistent. If your discomfort stems from overactive muscles, it’s especially problematic. How do you get those muscles to calm down? They clench […]
Quitting Tobacco for Your Smile (Among Other Things)
As a tobacco user, you face constant reminders that your habit is unhealthy. But a more specific discussion of what smoking is doing to your body is far more motivating than vague threats. You may be an expert on tobacco’s effects on the lungs and whole body health. But have you heard about what it […]
Fight Obesity and Cavities with One Healthy Diet
In our modern era of instant information and user-submitted content, everyone seems to be an expert on health. There are nonstop recommendations flying around the Internet. When you mix those with the official guidelines for healthy diets (guidelines that also tend to change on a regular basis), it’s enough to make your head spin. How […]
What to Expect from Gum Disease Treatment
When was the last time you paused and thought about your gums? Gum tissue can play second string to your teeth because it’s not as noticeable and isn’t a prominent part of your smile. But without healthy gums, your teeth don’t stand a chance. And when gingivitis begins to creep in, it’s important to take […]
Helping Your Kids Build Strong Teeth for Life
Your children look to you to learn how to navigate the world. And the habits that you help them build in their youth will stay with them for life. It’s on your shoulders to ensure that they not only build strong, healthy teeth, but take proper care of their mouths. Helping them embrace oral hygiene […]
How Dentistry Has Gone Hi-Tech
Been paying attention to dental industry news? That’s ok, we understand (it’s pretty impossible for dentistry to compete with your Facebook feed) – but there are some stories here and there that may be of interest to you. One big step forward that you may have missed is dentistry’s transformed technology. The advent of 3D models, […]
Breaking Free from Chronic Pain
Have you been waking up to headaches and an aching jaw? Feeling uncomfortable is no way to start the day – and ongoing pain can end up taking a serious toll on your mood and your life. Diagnosing the reason behind your aches is the first step. This post will offer some clues as to […]
Choose Cosmetic Dentistry You’ll Love
Have you been thinking about upgrading your smile? If the time is right, we’d love to talk to you about your personal options. But choosing cosmetic treatment is based on more than just the changes you’d like to make. Your preferences, dental anxiety, and needs all play a role in determining the right cosmetic path. […]
Stop Periodontal Disease at its Source
Periodontal care is directed toward building and maintaining healthy gums. “Taking care of my gums? Dealing with my teeth is enough!” Don’t worry; periodontal care isn’t complicated. Most of the oral hygiene steps you already take are working to keep your gums healthy and strong. But the signs of ailing gums differ from the signs […]