Why Do We Have Saliva

Now that we mentioned saliva, your mouth may be watering. Or you might go the other way and notice that your mouth is dry instead. Even though saliva is part of our lives from day one, it is something we barely notice…until we do. But just because you don’t think about saliva very much, that […]

What Happens When You Don’t Replace a Missing Tooth?

Losing a tooth can be a major event for some people. And, at the same time, for many, replacing a missing tooth might not feel urgent, especially if it’s not immediately noticeable when smiling. In either case, you should know that the effects of leaving a missing tooth untreated can go beyond appearances, potentially impacting […]

Why More Adults Are Getting Invisalign

Getting braces as an adult might not be ideal. In fact, many adults choose not to treat their imperfect teeth because they don’t want to wear braces. Adults are often embarrassed to have braces in both their professional and personal lives. Thankfully, modern orthodontics offers a way to effectively straighten your smile without unattractive and […]

Why Do I Still Get Cavities?

Feel like your oral hygiene is on point, but still discovering cavities at your dental exams? It’s time to take a closer look at your daily habits, and which ones might be resulting in enamel erosion or plaque buildup. Am I at a heightened risk of developing tooth decay? Everyone from infants to adults are […]

What to Expect from an Oral Cancer Screening

Due to a recent increase in oral cancer cases, your dentist may have begun performing oral cancer screenings at your routine exams. This simple screening catches problematic tissues as early as possible, and early detection makes successful treatment much more likely. If you’re feeling a little nervous for what to expect during an oral cancer […]

Healthy Holidays? Not Impossible!

Christmas cookies, fudge, and other sweet treats seem to magically appear everywhere you and your family go during the holiday season. It may seem like an impossible task to have a healthy holiday, but making small adjustments to your celebrations now will have you walking on a better, and healthier path into the new year. […]

Why Did My Child’s Dentist Recommend Sealants?

“Sealant” is synonymous with home improvement projects – but not necessarily with our teeth. So if your child’s dentist brought up the need for sealants at a recent exam, you’re understandably a little confused. Fact of the matter is, sealants can be a significant aid in preventing childhood tooth decay. Sealants Help Boost Kids’ Oral […]

Could Cavities Be Genetic?

Are your cavities your parents’ fault? A recent study has us all asking ourselves one big question when it comes to our oral health – am I more prone to cavities and tooth decay because of my genetics? To test this theory, we look to the case study from senior study author Karen E. Nelson, […]

Why Your Dentist Could Treat Your Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious condition. While treating it is going to help protect your health and boost your daily comfort, a CPAP machine can leave something to be desired. Fortunately, your treatment could potentially get a whole lot simpler. Dental sleep apnea treatment helps patients breathe easy throughout the night – and it does […]

Does Poor Sleeping = Sleep Apnea?

Feeling exhausted every morning, no matter how early you go to bed? Finding it more and more difficult to pay attention and stay focused during your workday? Waking up your family members at night with loud snoring, and facing familial strife? There could be a single cause behind all your sleep-related struggles. Sleep apnea is […]