Why Do We Have Saliva
Now that we mentioned saliva, your mouth may be watering. Or you might go the other way and notice that your mouth is dry instead. Even though saliva is part...
Dentures should pull their weight. After all, when you’re replacing missing teeth, you want the restoration to look and feel like the real thing. But the unfortunate truth is that many denture patients aren’t satisfied with the end result. They experience issues with their dentures slipping, clicking, and not accomplishing daily tasks the way they should.
That’s not what our patients deserve, and it’s not a level of restoration that we’re happy with, either. The team at Hoffman Dental Care does everything possible to help our patients achieve great-fitting dentures that work well and feel comfortable. That means a few different things – finding the right type of denture, considering dental implants, and working through your denture adjustment period. We’ve detailed each consideration below.
If you ever have questions about dentures or tooth loss, don’t hesitate to reach out to our staff.
Dentures come with some innate difficulties. They replace a full jaw’s worth of missing teeth. But without remaining teeth, there aren’t structures that can hold the dentures tightly in place. This means that dentures need to rely on the gums for stability, and that’s just not ideal. The gums are not only smooth but soft, and can change shape over time. The more years someone spends in dentures, the more likely it is that the gums will stop being able to hold on.
What are the common denture problems we’re hoping to solve? Patients are most often frustrated by the following:
Dental technology is always evolving and advancing. Today’s digital fabrication methods make restoration simpler and more precise. AvaDent takes away the guesswork and ongoing fittings that can drag down the denture process. Instead of using physical impressions, AvaDent employs 3D images of your mouth to build highly detailed models of your teeth and gums. These three dimensional models allow AvaDent labs to fabricate precise dentures that fit well on the first try.
In addition to accomplishing a great fit, AvaDent dentures offer these advantages:
Dental implants bypass the gums and draw support from the jaw bone. Choosing to get implants will help you lend stability to your dentures. Implants can attach to existing sets of dentures, so you can receive implants if you’re already wearing dentures but are unhappy with them. Schedule a consultation to learn more about whether you might be an implant candidate.
In addition to getting dentures that fit well, it’s important to take the necessary steps to adjust to your new teeth. Work through this adjustment period effectively by following these tips: