Why Do We Have Saliva
Now that we mentioned saliva, your mouth may be watering. Or you might go the other way and notice that your mouth is dry instead. Even though saliva is part...
Have you worn dentures in the past, or are you currently wearing them? Chances are, you’ve had more than a few frustrating moments trying to get them to obey. Ill-fitting, loose, and uncomfortable dentures are far less than you deserve. Modern technology and precision fitting techniques have made it possible to find dentures that feel and look like your own teeth.
Dentures are inherently problematic. They replace entire sets of missing teeth, but since there are no teeth remaining in the mouth, they don’t have adequate sources of support. This leads to dentures causing patients no end of grief. Some of the most common problems with dentures include:
Dentures are supposed to act as tooth replacements. Their function should be stellar, and their look natural. Until recent decades, dental technology just hadn’t advanced enough to make these goals a reality. Today, dental labs and dental professionals have access to materials, technology, and techniques that make the entire denture process more precise and predictable. From fitting to construction to materials, modern dentures are an entirely new tooth replacement paradigm.
One method of improving denture stability and performance is pairing the dentures with sets of dental implants. The implants connect with the jaw bone to act as denture foundations. The result is dentures that remain firmly in place, and feel secure. Patients feel much more comfortable engaging with others, eating and speaking, and living their lives.
Unfortunately, not every patient is able to receive dental implants. Health restrictions, lack of proper bone density, and cost considerations can make implants a reach. Shouldn’t dentures be independently stable and comfortable without requiring implant support?
AvaDent is leading the way in contemporary denture development. This system removes the guesswork and repetitive fittings that accompany standard dentures. Rather than taking physical impressions, your dentist will use 3D imaging to take detailed, comprehensive three-dimensional models of your mouth. These images will allow AvaDent technicians to create dentures that are uniquely suited to your mouth.
The entire AvaDent system utilizes the aid of computer technology to help remove chances for human error. Computerized denture construction uses the 3D impressions as blueprints for precision denture construction. In addition to creating gorgeous, comfortable dentures, this process offers patients the following advantages:
If you’ve forsaken dentures, consider giving them another chance. Dr. Hoffman is an AvaDent provider, and would love to help you take advantage of this incredible technology. You will be surprised by the incredible fit, form, and function of your new teeth. Get in touch with our office to learn more.