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It has never been easier to produce high-quality dental crowns than with CEREC technology. When comparing traditional crowns to CEREC crowns, it’s easy to see the many benefits. Speed and convenience without sacrificing quality will enable you to save both time and money.

Whether you’re thinking of getting a crown or if you have just received a CEREC crown, here is an outline of what you can expect following your procedure.

CEREC Crowns VS. Traditional Crowns

Traditional dental crowns and CEREC crowns both perform the same task of successfully covering a broken tooth. Dental crowns are also able to improve the overall appearance of your smile and protect a tooth that you would otherwise lose from severe damage.


Traditional Crowns

When receiving a traditional crown, it is likely that you will need to make multiple visits to your dentist to complete the process. Typical crowns are fabricated at a dental lab, and this can sometimes take weeks to produce. Your dentist will likely provide you with a temporary crown to wear until your permanent crown is available. A temporary crown may also affect your ability to eat certain foods, and requires you to take caution while in place.


CEREC Crowns

The most significant benefit to CEREC crowns is the technology used in creating a custom crown in minimal time. CEREC crowns are created with speed and convenience in the same day, saving you time and money. The ability to have a permanent crown placed immediately will prevent your tooth from contracting further disease and damage. Your crown will be created and finished in one single dental visit.


Post-Operative CEREC Crown Instructions

The recovery period after having a CEREC crown procedure typically lasts for a few days. During this time, your body will be recovering from the irritation and inflammation associated with the procedure. It is typical for patients also to experience sensitivity, discomfort, and tenderness.


Following your CEREC crown procedure:

  • Do not chew on the restoration for 24 hours. The adhesive material continues to gain strength during this time.
  • Your tongue may find small pieces of excess bonding material for a few days. These pieces will generally come off with regular tooth brushing. If you feel anything sharp to your tongue, call our office. Any piece causing you discomfort can be removed easily.
  • It is essential to floss following your procedure. Swelling and bonding material may make it challenging to floss for the first few days. If you continue to experience difficulty flossing, please call our office.
  • It is not unusual to experience minor discomfort for a few days after receiving extensive restorative dental treatment. To help manage any associated pain, take Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
  • If your bite feels unusual after your anesthetic has worn off, please call our office.
  • Do not chew on ice or other hard objects. Avoid chewing very sticky and gummy foods that may loosen the restoration.
  • To provide optimum longevity for your restorations and prevent future dental decay and supporting tissue breakdown, it is vital to have regular bi-annual preventive dental care. Inadequate return for examination is the most significant reason for the failure of dental restorations.


Making Your CEREC Crowns Last

Proper brushing, flossing, and regular 6-month cleanings are necessary to maintain your final restoration. The one area where a crowned tooth can decay is at the bottom edge of the crown at the gum line. Small problems that develop around restorations can usually be found at an early stage and easily corrected, but postponing proper care can result in the need to replace the entire restoration.


A CEREC crown typically lasts 10-15 years with proper care. Brushing twice a day with a fluoridated toothpaste and flossing at least once a day will help to maintain your crown. If you’re ready to see the difference a CEREC crown can make for your smile, call Hoffman Dental Center today to schedule a consultation appointment.