Sleep is supposed to be a healing habit – a period of time each night during which your body resets and renews itself for the next day. So why are there so many problems that plague our supposedly restful nights? When you’re unconscious, your body relaxes entirely, and this leads to some issues that you have little control over. Sleep apnea is one of the most common.
While there are two types of sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is by far the most common – and, fortunately, the most treatable. In fact, your Clinton Township dentist offers resources and treatment for those struggling with OSA. All you need to do is get in touch, and Dr. Hoffman will take care of the rest.
Why Do I Have Sleep Apnea?
The only way to learn the definitive answer to this question is to schedule a sleep study. During this overnight, you’ll be in a sleep lab, where your nighttime breathing, muscle movement, and brain activity are carefully monitored. The results will identify the cause of your sleeping problems, and point you in the direction of the appropriate treatment.
In obstructive sleep apnea, the airway is blocked by other tissues. These may be in the throat, or your tongue may be falling back when it relaxes, cutting off your breathing. Sleep apnea causes continuous waking throughout the night, leading to a poor quality of sleep and stressful days. Long-term, sleep apnea can also cause more serious health problems because your body is being deprived of oxygen on a nightly basis.
Sleep Apnea Treatment at our Clinton Township Dental Practice
Dr. Hoffman offers a state-of-the-art sleep apnea mouth guard that helps keep the throat open throughout the night. You can still speak and drink while wearing the guard, allowing you to feel normal even while protecting yourself against breathing interruptions. If you’re ready to learn more, we’d love to discuss.